June 28
Effective Date: 2024-06-28

This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.

System Changes




Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed

Ticket Nbr Module Details
105706 Maintenance LPRMN01 - AvSE: M&U Requisition "Shipped" Status Unavailable (1SH transactions not retrieved)
The Maintenance and Utilization Requisition "Shipped" Status is unavailable.

The Integrated Logistics Support-Supply (ILS-S) transactions should now be able to process successfully.
109626 Maintenance WPMAN10 - VSCOS: MAM/Waiver Code mandatory indicator issue
There is a Maintenance Asset Master/Waiver Code mandatory indicator issue.

The asterisk is removed from the non-required field.
106329 Maintenance WPMAN12 - Maintenance Schedule AUD - AvSE: MX Schedule/Work Order certification issue
There is a Maintenance Schedule/Work Order certification issue.

The certifications are now displayed on the associated Subordinate Work Order. 
108118 Materiel Management LPGLM25 - DLMS 527R - Receipt - Email - AF CMP GFP: 527R Receipt Transaction Suspending in ICP Module
The 527R transactions are being suspended in the Inventory Control Point (ICP).

The validation was updated for adding an Inventory Transaction that caused the suspension of this 527R. This validation was not necessary for the 527R and was removed for this transaction. The 527R is now processed successfully.
107986 Property Accountability 1348's not being printed correctly
The Serial Number of an asset is being removed on the 1348.

Shrunk text to fit in the "Additional Data" field.
54465 Warehouse Enterprise Wide / Export Times differ from Grid Times (CSP 54465)
The Issue/Return activity grid displays the current time zone but Export only displays Eastern Standard Time.

The Export process is modified for the below grids to convert times to local (PC) time.  
  • Logistics Program
  • Region
  • Site
  • Facility
  • Zone
  • Location
  • Location Condition Code Default
  • Document Nbr Range
  • Cost Center
  • Project Mgmt 
  • Receiving
  • Master Issue List
  • UIC Authorization
  • Stock Item Individual Issue Location
  • UIC Custodian
  • Materiel Release Order
  • Set Kit Outfit Assemble
  • Set Kit Outfit Disassemble
  • Replenishment Review
  • Personnel
  • Manage Physical Inventory
  • Materiel Movement Plan
  • Transportation Plan
  • Project Code Range
  • Materiel Movement Pick
  • Transportation Pick
  • DLMS Transactions Inquiry
  • Issue/Return Activity Inquiry
  • Region History Inquiry
  • Site History Inquiry
  • Warehouse History Inquiry 
  • Location History Inquiry
  • UIC History Inquiry
  • Master Issue List History Inquiry
  • UIC Custodian History Inquiry
  • Document Inquiry
  • Maintenance Work Order Inquiry
  • Expiring Items Inventory Inquiry
54693 Warehouse Enterprise Wide / Times on Grid Export are Always in Eastern Standard Time (CSP 54693)
Times on the Grid Export are always in Eastern Standard Time.

  • The Export process is modified for the below grids to convert times to local (PC) time.  
  • Grid Exports impacted by this work item:
    • Inspection
    • QC/QA Inspection
    • Inventory Update > Manager
    • Inventory Update > User 
    • Unit Issue > Post Post
    • Unit Issue > Request
    • Unit Issue > Return
    • Unit Issue > Reconciliation
    • Unit Issue > Unit Transfer
    • Warehouse Transfer
    • Maintenance Issue
    • Warehouse Issue
    • Individual > Member Sales Review
    • Individual > Reconciliation
    • Member Profile
    • UIC > UIC Custodian
    • Container
    • Scheduling > Appointments
    • Scheduling > Calendar Mgmt
    • Contractor
    • Contract
    • Member > Member Size Inquiry
    • Member > Member Activity Inquiry
    • Member > Member Feedback Inquiry
    • Inventory > Inventory Activity Inquiry
    • Unit Issue > Unit Issue Activity Inquiry
    • Quality Control/Inspection Results Inquiry
    • Appointment Inquiry
    • Physical Inventory Reconciliation Results Inquiry
    • Contractor History Inquiry
    • Contract History Inquiry
    • Member Profile History Inquiry
  • Grid Exports to be addressed in future work item(s):
    • Disposition
    • Catalog > Stock Nbr Inquiry 
110437 Warehouse LPWHI20 - Warehouse MRO Status Interface Extract - MDR Extract Job not using DB context timeout value
The Materiel Release Order (MRO) Status Report File is empty.

The MDR Extract Job timeout errors are resolved. 
105667 Warehouse LPWHN46.1 - Individual Returns / Return Later during Individual Return using Verify Parts is not working (USMC: CSP 105667)
The 'Verify Parts' is not working when Return Later is used during the Return process.

The defect, where components marked 'Return Later' within unmanaged kits are not displayed as End Items on the member's Outstanding Item List, is fixed. 
106578 Warehouse LPWHR78 - Warehouse Activity Report / Serial Numbers Not Displaying Correctly (NSWC 106578)
Only one serial number shows up when multiple are sent.

The Warehouse Activity Report now shows a separate Line Item per Serialized Asset. 

System Change Details



01178 - Materiel Return / My Queries and Excel Export

Module: Enterprise
01178 - Materiel Returns Program
What Changed:
The ability to utilize and create My Queries.
The ability to generate Excel Export.
The Originating Problem:
My Queries and Excel Export is not available within Materiel Returns.

Within the Materiel Returns program, the page will be loaded using default queries when applicable. The user will be able to utilize existing queries as well as create new queries and/or establish default queries. The user will be able to export search results to Excel.


01837-TCTO adjustment to MSO role DPAS8065

Module: Maintenance
Related to: SCR 01837
The MSO role has been adjusted so that it no longer requires additional roles in order to login to DPAS. The function of the role has not changed. 


02035 - Requisition / Agency Code on Logistics Program

Module: Warehouse
02035 - Requisition / Agency Code on Logistics Program
What Changed:
The Agency Code will be stored on the Logistics Program level.
Currently, this value is stored at the Catalog level.

The Originating Problem:
Source of Supply management requires an efficient way to filter the warehouses, which can be selected for Supply Support Activity (SSA) Requisition types.

There should be no impact to the user.
This improves efficiency within the Requisition process.