August 09
Effective Date: 2024-08-09

This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.

System Changes



Property Accountability



Not Set

Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed

Ticket Nbr Module Details
111387 Maintenance LPRMN01 - AvSE: M&U Requisition Update/'Whoops' error issue
There is an AvSE: Maintenance and Utilization Requisition Update/'Whoops' error issue.

The Whoops error message no longer appears when viewing the History tab in the Integrated Logistics Support-Supply (ILS-S) Requisition when updating the Requisition hyperlink. 
111042 Maintenance LPRMN05 - Requisition Source of Supply - Deleting default SOS message not consistent
Deleting the default Source of Supply (SOS) message is not consistent in the LPRMN05 - Requisition Source of Supply.

The selection is now cleared on the Source of Supply grid so it does not hold on to prior data post update.
109119 Maintenance WPMAN12 - VSCOS: Deferred Parts JSON error issue on WO completion
There is a Deferred Parts JSON error issue on Work Order completion.

The issue with the Requisition/Ordering API call is fixed. 
109532 Materiel Management LPGLN03 - Document Number Range - ICP New Document Type Drop Down
There is an Inventory Control Point (ICP) new Document Type dropdown requirement.

In the document number range screen, when editing a range and choosing the split range tab, the new Document Type dropdown was showing as optional, even though it is required.  The default is changed to required. 
110766 Materiel Management LPMMN21 - Customer Requisition Management - URGENT REQUEST: DPAS DoDAAC: W90YH1 (Problem affecting TPF)
There is an urgent request: DPAS Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DoDAAC): W90YH1 (Problem affecting TPF).

Customer requisitions were displaying multiple times if multiple customers existed in a customer profile for a given Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DoDAAC). There were not actual duplicate requisitions. The search query is updated to no longer display the same requisition multiple times if multiple customers exist with the same DoDAAC.
105407, 105497 Warehouse LPWHN25 - Member Profile / Error when trying to add Member Profile/Unable to clear Acct Name in UIC (VSCOS 105407, 105497)
When the Member's assigned Unit Identification Code (UIC) has a value in the Account Name field on the UIC, the Member is not visible throughout DPAS.

The validation to require a base Unit Identification Code (UIC) before adding a UIC with an account name is fixed. The Intellisense field for a member assigned UIC to not allow extra characters beyond the base UIC selection is fixed. 
86435, 86483, 99575 Warehouse LPWHN37 - Appointment AUD / Time Zone fix
There is a time zone fix.

The Service Center's Time Zone will display in the Edit and Add Appointment popups regardless of the console's time zone.  When the time zone between the console and the Service Center is different, the time zone will be listed under the Service Center dropdown.
109568 Warehouse LPWHN43 - Warehouse Transfer Add Update / 83 error for WM Xfer/Select Assets in PM SWAR
There is an 83 error for WM Xfer/Select Assets in PM SWAR.

The JavaScript error that occurred after clicking Select Assets in Warehouse Transfer when the DPAS user role is Warehouse Administrator is corrected. 
108086 Warehouse LPWHN50 - Disposition / Disposition Search Functionality
There is a Disposition/Disposition Search Functionality issue.

The placeholders are added. The default is updated. The search criteria produces the expected results.
111051 Warehouse LPWHN52 - Inventory Update Manager / Primary attachments not showing in Inv Update Manager
Primary attachments are not showing in the Inventory Update Manager.

The primary attachment appears as expected.
107162 Warehouse LPWHN85 - Calendar Management / San Diego Appointment Scheduling problem (NECC 107162)
Duplicate appointments are being scheduled.

Users will be allowed to make appointments respecting the lane capacity. Users will not be allowed to exceed the lane capacity. If the lane capacity is exceeded, an error is thrown. 
111928 Warehouse WPHRI09 - Asset Visibility Interface / Missing DOLI in GEX Relay for Individual Issue
DOLI is missing in GEX Relay for Individual Issue.

The Last Inventory Date is added to the Individual Issue.

System Change Details



01961 - FSM/Registry Data LIMS-EV Additions

Module: Enterprise
What Changed:
Data elements are added to the following LIMS-EV/Advana data feeds: 
  1. Acquisition View
  2. Appropriation View
  3. FSM Element View
  4. FSM Applied Authorization Header View
The Originating Problem:
The data was not available on these feeds. 

The data is now available.


01986 - Security Banner Classifications (CUI) / Dragon Team

Module: Maintenance
What Changed:


There has been an update for the Work Order Closure email labeling from Unclassified//For Official Use Only to CONTROLLED UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION which will affect all Work Order Users.

The Originating Problem:
The Work Order Closure email header label was incorrectly labeled.

This will impact all users that have access to the Work Order process, specifically those who close out Work Orders.


Property Accountability

01976 - DPAS .NET 8 Upgrade / Upgrade Dpas.ForceSystemManagement to .NET 8

Module: Property Accountability
01976 - DPAS .NET 8 Update / Upgrade Attachments to .NET 8
What Changed: 
Force System Management is upgraded to .NET 8; .NET 8 has a targeted end-of-life date of November 10, 2026. 
The Originating Problem: 
Microsoft has announced the end-of-life for .NET 6 as November 12, 2024.
This should not change the functionality of the application, though a system test should be performed to ensure the application still functions as expected.


01976 - DPAS .NET 8 Update / Upgrade Real Property Service to .NET 8

Module: Security
What Changed: 
The Real Property Service is upgraded to .NET 8; .NET 8 has a targeted end-of-life date of November 10, 2026. 
The Originating Problem: 
Microsoft has announced the end-of-life for .NET 6 as November 12, 2024.
This should not change the functionality of the application, though a system test should be performed to ensure the application still functions as expected.


01659 - Shelf Life Fixes and Data Health Monitor

Module: Warehouse
What Changed:
DPAS has included a background job to run analysis on the Inventory Control Numbers (ICNs) within the Warehouse Module to ensure correctness of Shelf Life Expiration Dates and log counts of discrepant records by Catalog.

The Originating Problem:
This job was added after applying multiple fixes to the JACKs Shelf Life Update process which was incorrectly updating Shelf Life on ICNs as a way to ensure correctness of data in the system.

The Warehouse Data Validator Job has no impact on the application and should only be used by the internal DPAS team for data validation.
Module: Warehouse
01897 - MVGL / Supporting Training Documentation and Help Link
What Changed:
Help content is added to the Money Value Gain Loss (MVGL) Inquiry. 
The Originating Problem:
This is new functionality (SCR 01897).

There is no impact as this is just supporting documentation for the project.

01976 - DPAS .NET 8 Update / Upgrade Attachments to .NET 8

Module: Warehouse
01976 - DPAS .NET 8 Update / Upgrade Attachments to .NET 8
What Changed: 
The Attachments are upgraded to .NET 8; .NET 8 has a targeted end-of-life date of November 10, 2026. 
The Originating Problem: 
Microsoft has announced the end-of-life for .NET 6 as November 12, 2024.
This should not change the functionality of the application, though a system test should be performed to ensure the application still functions as expected.

Not Set

01897 - Money Value Gain Loss Notice / Retention Policy

Module: Not Set
01897 - MVGL / Retention Policy
What Changed:
DPAS has been enhanced to provide a configurable Retention Policy.
This will determine how long we will maintain archived copies of the Money Value Gain Loss (MVGL) reports.
Current settings will be 2 years.

The Originating Problem:
This is new functionality (SCR 01897). 

There is no impact. This is just the configuration of the Retention Policy of the MVGL reports.