August 23
Effective Date: 2024-08-23

This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.

System Changes




UI/UX Design


Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed

Ticket Nbr Module Details
109507 Force Systems Management WPFMN14 - USAF A4/HAF: Mass Update change/data removal issue in FSM
There is a Mass Update change/data removal issue in Force Systems Management (FSM).

The message is updated correctly.
105876 Maintenance LPSEB10 - DLA: Util On/Off base user preference setting will not save
The Utilization (Util) On/Off Base User Preference setting will not save.

When setting Util On/Off Base via the Preferences, the changes are now saved, stored properly, and updated accordingly. 
105504 Maintenance M&U poc not showing in dbo poc after changing from address type code of PC to a type code that should exist in both.
The created Point of Contact (POC) is not displaying properly in the Equipment Pool Address Search.

The Point of Contact Browse is corrected to pull data from the Maintenance and Utilization Point of Contact Master Data instead of the Property Accountability Address book.
107063 Maintenance WPMAN10 - DLA: PA Catalog transferred asset stuck in AWD in MAM
The Property Accountability (PA) Site Transferred Asset is stuck in Awaiting Disposition (AWD) in the Maintenance Asset Master.

The Maintenance Asset Master (MAM) transfer process is updated to handle transfers properly when a transfer happens between two Maintenance Activities (MAs) with different Catalogs.
109391 Materiel Management LPGLM38 - DLMS 870S - ICP Not Updating Properly When 870S is Inbound
The Inventory Control Point (ICP) is not updating properly when 870S is Inbound.

The 870S transactions are allowed to process when a Customer Requisition and a Requisition share a document number.
111718 Materiel Management LPGLN10 - Stock Item AUD - RSA Name dropdown not populating in ICP/Stock Item
The Remote Storage Activity (RSA) Name dropdown is not populating in Inventory Control Point (ICP)/Stock Item.

The Remote Storage Activity (RSA) dropdown now always loads results.
111987 Property Accountability WPHRQ14 - Navy PP&E/High Priority: Asset Inquiry Excel extracts outputting data as text vs numerical
Asset Inquiry Excel extracts outputting data as text vs numerical.

Dollar amounts are in numeric format when the Asset Inquiry is extracted into an Excel file.
105639 Warehouse LPWHN34 - Unit Issue / MIL error when selecting assets in EODESU 2 (Navy:NECC 105639)
When a Unit Issue is generated and utilizing the MIL process, the selected quantity does not reflect or save due to the error. An allocation is generated preventing use of the item.

When selecting Quantities (Qtys) to fill a Line Item and selecting the Take Selected button, the job should run selecting the inventory and filling in the quantity (Qty) on the selected Qty grid with no errors.
94644 Warehouse LPWHN94 - Inventory Update / UII/pRFID Association / React Upgrade (Resolves Pagination Missing from new pages) (NSWC 94644)
The pagination is missing from the grid.

The UII/pRFID Association grid pagination issue will be resolved.

System Change Details



01967 - Update Materiel Management/ICP Module Appropriation AUD

Module: Accounting

What Changed:

The Appropriation Add/Update/Delete (AUD) screens in the Materiel Management/ICP module have been updated for future enterprise accounting in DPAS. Changes applied to this process include field additions, renaming, and ordering to align with current DoD Standard Financial Information Structure (SFIS) and Standard Line of Accounting (SLOA) standards and nomenclature. The Financial Manager role is now required for AUD access in the Materiel Management Appropriation Process. Other roles have read-only access. Additional implementation includes the ability for Materiel Management Programs to be associated to the DAI Accounting Interface System and import/export accounting data from/to DAI.
The field name change crosswalk:
Previous Field Name New SFIS Field Name
Basic Symbol Main Account Cd
Servicing Activity Cd Agency Accounting Identifier Cd
Subhead Sub-Allocation
New fields:
Field Name Notes
Department Transfer Cd Optional
Sub-Account Cd  Required; Max 3 numeric characters; defaults to '000'
Availability Type Cd  Not editable; defaults to 'X' when Program Year is blank/null
Active  Yes/No Field

Add Appropriation Screen:


The Originating Problem:

The original Appropriation AUD process does not contain the newer DoD SFIS/SLOA required fields or nomenclature or the ability for Programs to use DAI import/export. 


Complete Appropriation Add/Update/Delete functionality will be available, along with future use for DAI Accounting Interface users, in the Materiel Management module. The appropriations will be usable in other processes for accounting purposes.


02035 - Tech Debt - ILS-S

Module: Maintenance
What Changed:
App Settings are being standardized throughout the Integrated Logistics Support-Supply (ILS-S) Code.
The Originating Problem:
App Settings are being standardized throughout the ILS-S Code.

No impact should be seen in the functionality users have in Production.


02057 - Checkmarx Code Remediation - Legacy Hand Held Removal - WH Services

Module: Security
What Changed:
The Automatic Identification Technology (AIT) Software Update menu item is removed from Warehouse.

The Originating Problem:
Code Security Scans identified issues in the Legacy Handheld Code that is no longer used in the Warehouse application. This code is removed from the system.

There should be no impact. No active users were found utilizing the removed process.

UI/UX Design

01986 - Security Banner Classifications (CUI) / Cyclops

Module: UI/UX Design
What Changed:
The DPAS.appsec.banner field is updated to use CUI (Controlled Unclassified Information) instead of FOUO (For Official Use Only). This impacts various places such as banners on the top and bottom of exported files.
The Originating Problem:
FOUO should be replaced with CUI per DoD guidelines.
Various banners across DPAS will have CUI instead of FOUO. No functionality change.


01976 - DPAS .NET 8 Update / Upgrade External Interface microservice to .NET 8

Module: Warehouse
01976 - DPAS .NET 8 Update / Upgrade External Interface to .NET 8
What Changed: 
The External Interface is upgraded to .NET 8; .NET 8 has a targeted end-of-life date of November 10, 2026. 
The Originating Problem: 
Microsoft has announced the end-of-life for .NET 6 as November 12, 2024.
This should not change the functionality of the application, though a system test should be performed to ensure the application still functions as expected.

01976 - DPAS .NET 8 Update / Upgrade RFID Association to .NET 8

Module: Warehouse
01976 - DPAS .NET 8 Update / Upgrade RFID Association to .NET 8
What Changed: 
The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Association are upgraded to .NET 8; .NET 8 has a targeted end-of-life date of November 10, 2026. 
The Originating Problem: 
Microsoft has announced the end-of-life for .NET 6 as November 12, 2024.
This should not change the functionality of the application, though a system test should be performed to ensure the application still functions as expected.