May 31
Effective Date: 2024-05-31

This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.

System Changes

Materiel Management

Property Accountability

Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed

Ticket Nbr Module Details
104272 Catalog LPCTN01 - Stock Number AUD / PA stock numbers cannot update bulk to serial when there are only assets with 0 quantity
Asset quantities have been removed, but they are still unable to change the Management Code from Bulk to Serial.

Method returning data is added for assets with quantities greater than 0.
106460 Maintenance WPMAN46 - AvSE: 244 & TCTO One Time Inspection Maint Schedule issue
This is a One Time Inspection Maintenance Schedule issue.

After the coding changes are made, the inspection and Work Order will not show on the form.  In addition, the open Work Orders for the one-time inspections will show as discrepancies on page two of the form. The Inspection data will not show on page 1, section III, which is for recurring inspections. 
107109 Maintenance WPMAR34R - AvSE: M&U 244 report not available outside of 8010/Officer assignees
The Maintenance and Utilization (M&U) 244 report is not available outside of the 8010/Officer assignees.

The 244 is now available for Maintenance and Utilization (MU) specialists via Reports and Forms and the Maintenance Asset Master (MAM) search results grid. In addition, they have been granted read-only access to the MAM records via the MAM search results grid.
107124 Warehouse LPWHN19 - Warehouse Receiving / Kit Components do not get owning DoDAAC selected in WH Transfers in 4417 1 SOSS (AFERMS 107124)
There is a critical error when attempting to complete a Warehouse Transfer receipt.

The Warehouse Transfer Receipt of Sets Kits Outfits (SKO)s is fixed. 
97095 Warehouse LPWHN56 - Quality Control Mgmt / SKO Manage button not displaying in Prod/SAT (AFERMS 97095)
The Sets Kits Outfits (SKO) button is not displaying.

A check is added for the relook status to determine if controls should be shown. 

System Change Details


Materiel Management

01999 - DAF Item Manager

Module: Materiel Management
What Changed:
A new role is created: ICP Item Manager. 

The Originating Problem:
The current DPAS Inventory Control Point (ICP) roles do not fulfill the roles or structure for the Department of the Air Force (DAF) for Item Managers (IM) or centralized stock control functions.  
There will be training associated to this new role. Training DPAS7055 - Training for ICP Item Managers.

Property Accountability

01776 - DPAS to PIEE – multiple line items per transaction

Module: Property Accountability
What Changed:
The Shipping Document does not create multiple line items for the same Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code or Contract/Date of Transaction.

The Originating Problem:
The DPAS Loan to Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE)/Government Furnished Property (GFP) Module Integration creates one Shipping Document per line item furnished to the contractor. This integration should create one Shipping Document with multiple line items for the same CAGE Code or Contract/Date of Transaction.

There are now multiple line items for the same CAGE Code or Contract/Date of Transaction.