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System Change Requests (SCR's) are submitted by our Configuration Control Board (CCB). To learn more about the process, please visit our CCB Responsibilities and Meetings page. Below you will find all SCR's that have been submitted, and what their status is. To download a blank form, you may visit our Reference Library and download the SCR Form.

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SCR Number Title DPAS Module Reporting
State Description
02054 NCE Single Asset Identification MU AF: VSCOS New
Change Request: Policy/ regulatory

System lacks ability to identify NCE Assets below NSN Level.  Not all assets catalogued under a specific NSN are NCE.  Therefore, system needs the capability to remove certain Make/Model/Serial numbers below the NSN-level from Nuclear indicator status.
Recommend adding toggle or NCE role with the ability to add/remove/edit Nuclear Indicator Status at the asset’s NSN/Make/Model/Serial number.  Toggle/role should have ability to limit specific user to task ensuring proper NCE controls.
Mission Critical:
Benefits of implementing change includes safety and movement of special weapons, proper accountability of nuclear support equipment mission sets, saving research time opening a work orders, potential improper maintenance actions on nuclear surety assets, and proper visual restriction of nuclear certified status.
Frequency: Daily

This process benefits DOD agencies and military services on a daily basis.

02053 User Added Warehouse Warehouse NSWC New
Change Request: Process Improvement

Currently DPAS does not allow the user to add a warehouse.  This feature is available to the DPAS Security, or they can be added via the DPAS implementation team.  Both require the customer to open a ticket and send the paperwork to the DPAS Helpdesk.   The recommended solution is incorporate the 'Add' action button to the user's version of the Warehouse AUD.
Modify the Warehouse Officer User role to include "ADD" for LPWHN04 - Warehouse.
Mission Critical:
Enables the user with the Warehouse Officer role to create DPAS warehouses without requiring DPAS support.
Improves and reduces the time to perform warehouse creations / re-alignments.
Eliminates support from DPAS support, support or implementation teams.
Frequency: Monthly

The SCR applies to all users of the DPAS WM application.  

02052 Expanded Label Options Warehouse NSWC New
Change Request: Process Improvement

The current ICN label options work for an warehouse operation, but are not conducive for field operations. The majority of the items NSWC manages in WM are serialized items that are issued to the unit / individual.  These items are returned when the mission is completed and are re-issued to support the next mission.  NSWC requires more options similar to what the PA application offers. WIth SCR 01984 enabling warehouse physical inventories to be conducted by Asset Id, providing additional ICN label options and the ability print an Asset Id label would enable NSWC to label the majority of their items.
Provide additional label printing options similar to PA where the user has more label size options and can select the data elements to include on the label based upon the size of the label.  When this SCR is ready to be programmed, NSWC will work with the DPAS developers to identify label size options, and what field options are desired.
Mission Critical:
Improves item marking which will facilitate better identification of the item which will reduce the time required to conduct physical inventories by the Unit / Individual.
 The change will enable the PBO to be able to better communicate with the unit/individual what the item is.  Current label size options limit what items can be marked to larger items.   Supporting label sizes similar to what PA offers will enable more items being bar coded / pRFID enabled that will speed and improve PI accuracy.
Frequency: Daily

The SCR applies to all users of the DPAS WM application that are not able to utilize the current WM label sizes.  

02051 Warehouse Relocation Warehouse NSWC New
Change Request: Process Improvement

Currently DPAS does not allow the user with Warehouse AUD access to modify the Site the Warehouse is aligned.  With re-organizations a common practice, the Warehouse AUD should permit the user to update the region / site the Warehouse is aligned.  This change will allow the user to systematically make the change and eliminate a help ticket to the DPAS developers to make the change.
Add a Region drop-own to Warehouse AUD defaulting the value to the current Region, with the capability to select a different Region within the Warehouse's current Logistics Program. Enable the Site drop-down to permit the user to change the site the warehouse is aligned. When Region is changed, clear the Site drop-down forcing the user to select a new Site from a list the drop-down is populated that corresponds to the Region selected.  
Mission Critical:
Enables the user to perform updates without requiring DPAS support.
Improves and reduces the time to perform an warehouse re-alignment.
Eliminates support from DPAS support team.
Frequency: Daily
The SCR applies to all users of the DPAS WM application.  
02050 Receiving by Asset ID Warehouse Leidos New
Change Request: Process Improvement

CNIC does not have label printers available at their installations for the printing of an Inventory Control Number (ICN) label. As an alternative, they purchase Asset Id labels that are affixed to the item at time of receipt.  DPAS WM provides for the capture of the Asset Id, but not during receiving.  Using Inventory Update is labor intensive and does not represent the normal business flow for the receive and marking of an item.
Modify Warehouse Receiving to include Asset Id on the Receiving page where Serial Nbr and pRFID are present.  DPAS can make it an optional display entry allowing the user to decide to display or not display the Asset Id filed on this screen, but it is considered essential to CNIC to be able to enter the Asset Id during the receiving phase.
Mission Critical:
Provides for a normal flow of a receipt allowing markings to be add during that phase.
It is estimated that this will save CNIC 3 minutes for every receipt.  
Frequency: Daily

The SCR applies to all users of the DPAS WM application that utilize purchased labels to identify their items in the warehouse.  This solution provides an efficient and effective method for entering the value.

02049 Stock Item Min/Max Report Calculation Warehouse USSOCOM New
Change Request: Process Improvement

The inquiry produced through the min/max calculation functionality within the Stock Item Mix/Max AUD is including unwanted record sets. It currently includes stock numbers which may have been deleted, as well as stock items that contain a replenishment start date / stop date (Stock Nbr level and or Stock Item leve) that the system does not compute a recommended qty other than zero, thus there is no reason to display them for review.
Records with a replenishment start after / stop date on or prior to the current date are currently listed on the calculation report with 0 min/max quantities. To reduce size of the report these records should instead be omitted along with any stock items tied to stock numbers which have been soft deleted in the system.
Mission Critical:
This process improvement will reduce the amount of time to reivew for possible adjustments given the user is managing the Replenishment Start / Stop dates for the Stock nbr and for the warehouse (Stock Item).Doulgeris
Provides user with a more succinct result set targeted to active stock items.
Frequency: Weekly

All users of the warehouse mgmt. module that is using this process to determine stock levels and replenishment criteria.

02048 Army Vantage GEX data Warehouse Army New
Change Request: Process Improvement

 DPAS tables to Army Vantage via the GEX
The data attributes she would like to ingest to Army Vantage that are not currently available in the platform are as follows: 1.) Suspt Loss Sts Cd     2.) Suspt Loss Dt     3.) Suspt Loss Chg Dt     4.) Cause of Suspt Loss
Add Theses data elements to the Army Vantage Information Platform via GEX.
Mission Critical:
Audit Readiness Input.
This information will be accessible across all locations within CECOM.
Frequency: weekly
This will be implemented into a report, that will be used across CECOM.  On at least a weekly basis for each unit.
02047 Asset Detail Report NCE Fields MU AF: VSCOS New
Change Request: Process Improvement

M&U lacks the ability to view NCE assets, Mission Critical, Reimbursable and Refundable within Asset Detail Report (WPMAR29R).  Current report does not provide daily, weekly or monthly NMC rates for NCE assets
Add NCE assets, Mission Critical, Reimbursable and Refundable indicators within the report as preset fields; similar to GSA Lease Code & Vehicle Type Code
Mission Critical:
Department of the Air Force Instruction 24-302 VEHICLE MANAGEMENT
Adding fields provides user a consolidated report viewing specific mission essential information and alleviates multiple inquiries
Frequency: Daily

This process improvement benefits DOD agencies and military services on a daily basis.

02046 NCE Fields Inquiry MU AF: VSCOS New
Change Request: Process Improvement

1.) DPAS M&U lacks the ability to view and select NCE indicator fields within all Work Order/Sub Work Order inquiries and fields selection list
2.) DPAS M&U does not have "Mission Critical", "Reimbursable" or "Refundable" as fields within the inquiry search criteria
1.) Add "Nuclear" and "Nuclear Restricted" NCE fields to Work Order inquiries to include Sub Work Order- Asset, Labor & Parts.
2.) Add "Mission Critical", "Reimbursable" and "Refundable" to all of the Sub Work Order Search Criteria and Available Fields.
Mission Critical:
Department of the Air Force Instruction 24-302 VEHICLE MANAGEMENT
Adding fields provide users a more consolidated report and alleviates multiple inquiries in the
process. Users will also have the ability to view specific mission essential information within all inquiries.
Frequency: Daily

This process improvement benefits DOD agencies and military services on a daily basis.

02045 External ICP 846R without Project Code Warehouse USMC New
Change Request: Process Improvement

USMC is utilizing Navy ERP as its ICP with their Albany warehouse operation supported by DPAS. It's been reported that Navy ERP manages its inventory by RSA (Remote Storage Activity), Stock Nbr, and Condition Cd.  The DLMS 846R End of Day (EOD) inventory balance file that DPAS produces includes "Project Code" as part of the reporting. Currently Navy ERP is not designed to summarize RSA generated DLMS 846R transaction sets to the level the inventory is managed by Navy ERP.  Thus the inventory totals for items that do contain a project code that DPAS is reporting do not match the inventory totals that Navy ERP has.  The proposed solution is for DPAS to generate its EOD inventory reporting  balance without including the "Project Code" in the group by.
1)  Create a version of the DLMS 846R EOD transaction set that does not include "Project Code" in the group by in the inventory count (RSA, Stock Nbr, and Condition Cd).
2)  Add this DLMS 846R EOD option as a configuration setting for the warehouse similar to the setting that enables the Warehouse to generate a DLMS 867I Issue transaction set that is required by Navy ERP.
Mission Critical:
This change would enable DPAS to generate the DLMS 846R EOD transaction set with inventory counts that will match the inventory balance of Navy ERP and other ICPs that may not manage inventory at Project Code level.  
Providing this option enables systematically inventory balance reconciliation between the RSA and ICP via the the DLMS 846R EOD transaction set.  Navy ERP adjusts its inventory using the Qty reported within the DLMS 846R EOD.  Currently this is resulting in invalid inventory counts.  
Frequency: Daily
Navy ERP is the only known external ICP where DPAS Warehouse is being used as the RSA.
02044 Multi Search serial number Warehouse Army New
Change Request: Process Improvement

DPAS lacks the capability to search for and select multiple serial numbers simultaneously. This capability needs to be added to the "Inventory Master Sector" across processes.
Create a field capability that enables users to paste multiple serial numbers into a single field. This enhancement will allow DPAS to search for and select all the serial numbers entered in the field simultaneously.
Mission Critical:
Yes, all DPAS users who currently handle a large number of serialized assets will have the capability to search for and select multiple serial numbers simultaneously, instead of one by one. This proposed modification aims to significantly reduce the man-hours required for searching and selecting serial numbers. These improvements will lead to overall cost savings for the U.S. government and streamline warehouse movements with greater control and accuracy.
This solution enhances accuracy for large scale serial number movements across the force and provides a total cost savings by reducing manhours and time-to-task required to accurately issue large scale amounts of serial numbered equipment ranging in the hundreds or thousands.
Frequency: Daily
This solution would benefit all user operating within WM, (or our community that is ~500 users.
02043 Checkmarx Code Updates Enterprise Leidos New
Change Request: Process Improvement
Recently the DPAS project has utilized Checkmarx code scans to identify potential vulnerabilities and improvements to the DPAS code base. These scans have provided insight into areas of improvement in the application.  This SCR is to provide for the review and for the implementation of code refinements where applicable.
The DPAS application should be updated to address potential security enhancements flagged by Checkmarx, including additional input validation and deprecation of unused legacy AIT code.
Mission Critical:
Applying recommended updates from Checkmarx will enhance application security and possibly the reduction in the app through sunsetting of legacy code.
Frequency: Hourly
Application Upgrade


02042 Stock Number Edit PA,MU,Warehouse,Materiel Management,FSM,Registry (SA/LW) Leidos New
Change Request: Process Improvement
Currently the Stock Number AUD (LPCTN01) disables fields for edit due to the stock number being externally sourced or having associations to assets or inventory control numbers. Not providing the ability to allow the user to modify as many fields as possible, limits their ability to make the change increases the time to get their data as well and places an effort on the Help Desk and Development Teams to make the change.  The DPAS team should review the fields that are disabled to determine which can be activated.  If the system requires a Mass Sock Nbr change feature to support external interfaces, as well and financial reporting, this could be a method to support enabling the user as well as supporting AESIP / FLIS changes that are not currently being processed.
As a minimum, the following fields should be opened up for edit on LPCTN01 Stock Nbr AUD
Type Asset Code & Asset Category Code – These can be opened for edit in warehouse and PA as long as financial accounting is supported for OM&S and Fixed Assets.  
Shelf Life Code - Should allow adjusting between types I & II A job must first be put into place before we can convert to type 0 as this would constitute a bulk inventory roll-up, or the override flag cold automatically be set on the record to retain the shelf life expiration dates.
Accounting Requirements Code (ARC), DEMIL Code, CIIC
Mission Critical:
Implementing the capability to allow for more attribute change via automation will assist with keeping the external catalogs feeds with DPAS data in sync through automation.
Allows the user more flexibility when performing stock number adjustments and removes the need to contact help desk when adjustments to key fields is required.
Frequency: Weekly
DPAS currently receives about 1-10 data scripts per week to address desired catalog updates.
02041 832N Document Number and Transaction Date (ADC 1469) Materiel Management AF: GFM New
Change Request: Policy/ Regulatory
DLMS ADC 1469 provides new data fields to the DLMS 832N transaction - added are the document number (aka transaction reference number) and the transaction date and time.  Need DPAS to add the new data fields from the 832N and include in DLMS transaction processing (including 824R reject transaction).
Make necessary changes in the ICP module process and correctly handle the document number and transaction date and time.  Users will see new data in the DLMS transaction viewer and DPAS will include these new data elements in the DLMS 824R Reject notification process.
Mission Critical:
ADC 1469
The added data elements within the 832N will assist in processing the inbound 832N transaction and any subsequent 824R Reject notifications to AF CICPs.
Frequency: Daily
AF GFM-A users
02040 SKO for MU Work Order MU,Warehouse Leidos New
Change Request: Process improvement

Currently SKO (Set Kit Outfit) processes are dedicated to the warehouse application. As part of DPAS modernization, the SKO processes are wanted in the Maintenance Module to enable maintenance personnel to manage the build / modification of a SKO using a Work Order.  In future updates, the DPAS SKO process could replace the End Item / Component process that exists in PA today.
Build a new, single SKO Management page - from which all management functions can be supported.
Build a new SKO View, utilizing a tree view to support multiple layers of nested kits with functionality to add, update/replace components.
Build a new inventory selector to facilitate the addition/replacement of components.
Mission Critical:
The goal of the new UI is for it to be more user efficient, needing less clicks and built to support implementation to other areas of the application.
Changes are required to support SKO processing within a Maintenance Work Order. Without this modernization, the implementation of SKO into Maintenance is not possible. This change is part of the approved changes to provide ASA(ALT)  SKO functionality within a Work Order
Frequency: Daily
All organizations that utilize Set Kit and Outfit functionality.
Implementation of the SKO into the React frame and the establishment of microservice/event architecture
  • Implement all existing functionality into the new, modernized architecture
  • Allows for a more enterprise solution that can be implemented in any area within DPAS where SKO management is required
  • Priority need - Build (assemble), Update and Delete functionality
  • Asset Selection control
    • Inventory Master Selector built into the React Framework with service endpoints to manage inventory
    • priority need - integration of SKO into M&U
  • SKO Management Component
    • SKO popup control built in the React framework
    • priority need - integration of SKO into M&U
  • Cannot be deployed until there is a consumer process that will deploy to production and can be tested and verified in SAT.
02039 Improve Job Execution Logging and Retention PA,MU,Warehouse,Materiel Management,FSM,Registry (SA/LW),Enterprise Leidos New
Change Request: Process Improvement

Currently, it is difficult to provide a complete picture of job executions throughout the system.
Implement database history tables and triggers for the PA/M&U process queue and batch queue.  Adjust retention policies for job execution log and history database tables to 1 year.
Mission Critical:
Improved logging and retention of job executions will aid in investigation and debugging of system issues.  This additional information will also provide easier and more complete answers to auditors.
Frequency: Daily
N/A - Infrastructural enhancements that wouldn't directly affect the users.
02038 Open Action Expiring Items Warehouse NSWC New
Change Request: Process Improvement

Current DPAS does not have the capability to report Open Warehouse Actions for Expiring Items.
Build new functionality within the Open Warehouse actions to add a section for Expiring Items within 90, 60, 30 days and expired for items with expiration dates.
Mission Critical:
This will allow Users to increase their current operational level of support by reducing the time spent generating reports.
Frequency: Daily
This affects all users within NSW.  All Units within NSW use this process.
02037 Warehouse Issue receipt Warehouse NSWC New
Change Request: Process Improvement

Only two forms currently exist for printing out a completed warehouse issue: Pick List & 1149
Pick List is not a receipt and 1149 is only a shipping doc  
Add another form (ex. DD1150) that can be printed which can be used as a 'receipt' for expensing material via Warehouse Issue. Form will need at the minimum:
From Owning DoDAAC/Warehouse, To DoDAAC, Stock Nbr, Mfr Part Nbr, Nomen, Serial Nbr, Qty, ICN, Cost Center, Doc Nbr, Unit Price, Total Price, Signature Block, etc...
Mission Critical:
Since material is being expensed, a signed receipt is required to document inventory loss
Since material is being expensed, a signed receipt is required to document inventory loss.
Frequency: Hourly
All users
02036 Transfer Receipt Component TAB PA NSWC New
Change Request: Process Improvement

During receipt of a transfer of asset with component(s), the Higher Assembly asset is received without needing to receive the components.  The component(s) are received in another transaction to remove it from the losing commands inventory and into the gaining commands inventory.
Add another tab for component's (auto-populate the component's) where the receiving user will validate(check/accept) during the receipt process of the Higher Assembly.  The receipt process will not be completed without validating all of the component's.
Mission Critical:
This will assist receipt personnel to identify that an asset awaiting transfer receipt has components that has to be verified before accepting the transfer.
Frequency: Daily
All Users
02035 Requisition Phase I MU DLA In Progress
Change Request: New Process

DPAS SCR 00726 provided DPAS with MILSTRIP requisitioning capabilities within the Materiel Mgmt. module. All users wanting to place orders using DPAS must establish a Materiel Mgmt. presence with it being limited to use for Warehouse and Property Accountability orders.  With the Tech Refresh effort, DPAS is proposing to enable requisitioning within any of its 4 primary modules (Materiel Mgmt., Property Accountability, Warehouse Mgmt. and Maintenance Mgmt. The initial Tech Refresh effort will enable MILSTRIP requisitioning within Maintenance Mgmt. (Phase 1), followed by  Property Accountability (Phase 2), followed by replacing the current requisitions capabilities within Materiel Mgmt. (Phae3), with the final implementation being within Warehouse Mgmt (PHase 4) .  Each phase will be have its own DPAS SCR Nbr assgined.  
Requisition Phase 1
1 Incorporate MILSTIRP requisitioning within the current Maintenance issue process.
2. Incorporate a requisition approval process that can be configured to the organization's needs.
3. Provide Organization Operating Target capabilities for funded requisitions,
4. Provide the capability to submit orders to a DPAS Warehouse Requisitions for items that are not cataloged /stocked by allowing the user to enter a Part Nbr and Description of the part needed.
5. Provide the ability to view the transaction history of their Requisitions and submit modifications for the Requisition.
6. Provide the user with the capability to request a Supply Status from the Source of Supply.
7. This feature includes the handling of shipment details and the ability to receive for that materiel, upon arrival.
Mission Critical:
FIAR compliance is mandated. This change is considered a necessary feature to improve the audit trail to ensure FIAR compliance.
Provides MILSTRIP requisitioning where it is needed.  
Incorporates SLOA elements within the DLMS.
Provides financial reporting capabilities for billable orders.
Frequency: Daily
All MU users.
Partially Completed - Release 2024.2.6 - 14 June 2024
Partially Completed – Release 2024.2.7 – 28 June 2024