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System Change Requests (SCR's) are submitted by our Configuration Control Board (CCB). To learn more about the process, please visit our CCB Responsibilities and Meetings page. Below you will find all SCR's that have been submitted, and what their status is. To download a blank form, you may visit our Reference Library and download the SCR Form.

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SCR Number Title DPAS Module Reporting
State Description
02099 Access History Inquiry Enterprise VSCOS New

Change Request: Process Improvement


Description: DPAS is in need of an inquiry system that provides clear visibility into user access history for both current and past role assignments. This data is essential for IO’s and AIO’s as it helps them verify whether users have the appropriate roles and access levels. Without this information it becomes challenging to assess compliance and ensure that users are not over-privileged or under privileged. Therefore, implementing such a system is crucial for maintaining proper access control.

The challenge of meeting organization audit requirements significantly affects the ability to conduct a thorough DPAS annual user access review. This situation makes it difficult to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive information. Additionally, the ongoing monitoring of user access becomes less effective leading to potential security risks. Without proper oversight the organization may struggle to identify unauthorized users or detect unusual activities. As a result maintaining a secure environment becomes increasingly challenging.
Having clear visibility into data management processes is crucial for DPAS Security and Support personnel. This transparency reduces the need for Database Administrators (DBAs) to run scripts just to collect necessary information for organizations and audit Program Control Boards (PCBs). With easier access to data support teams can respond to user inquiries more quickly and effectively. This improvement not only benefits the users but also helps Information Owners manage their data better. Overall enhancing visibility streamlines operations and increases efficiency across the board.


Recommended: Creating an Access History Inquiry is essential for monitoring user permissions. This inquiry will provide clear records of when a user's tier and role access were added or removed. It will display both current and historical information showing the exact date and time of each change. By organizing this data administrators can easily track adjustments and ensure users have the correct access levels. Overall, this tool will help maintain security and accountability within the system.

Mission Critical: Each year IO/AIO is responsible for conducting a user audit and informing the DPAS PMO once it is completed. Monitoring roles and user access such as ensuring there is a separation of duties and preventing unauthorized access to MAs or warehouses is crucial for every agency. Unfortunately the current system tools used for this task are displaying incomplete information making it difficult to effectively perform these important functions.

Benefits: By providing an history Inquiry for UIC and Maintenance Activity the IO/AIOs will have a clearer understanding of the UIC and Maintenance activity required for each user. This will help in determining whether these UIC or Mx Activity are essential for the user to effectively utilize the system. Having this history will streamline the process of assigning UIC and Mx Activity  ensuring that each user has the necessary permissions and access rights. This will ultimately lead to a more organized and efficient system for all users involved.

Frequency: Daily

Users: Unsure how many Agencies and IO/AIOs are in DPAS, but this will impact all of them.

02098 Enterprise Appropriation Tech Refresh PA Leidos New

Change Request: Process Improvement


Description: The Appropriation AUD screens in DPAS PA and MM modules do not employ modern technical solutions, and the fields in PA and MM Appropriation are not  equivalent, containing different fields. This SCR is to Tech Refresh the Appropriation AUD to enable it to be deployed as part of the enterprise accounting service for use with all DPAS applications. The appropriation attributes will be updated to use the Standard Financial Information Structure (SFIS) attribute names.

Recommended: Modernize the Appropriation AUD process for DPAS Accounting and match the PA Appropriation fields to the modernized Appropriation fields.

Mission Critical: The data elements in DoD OUSD SFIS guidance, Standard Line of Accounting business practice, and DLMS implementation business rules use modern nomenclature currently not used in PA Appropriation AUD. In addition, DoD FMR 7000.14R requires certain data elements to be used in accounting processes.

Benefits: Modernized functionality and similar fields across DPAS modules within Appropriation AUD processes. This will also better prepare Accounting to handle Fixed Asset accounting transactions.

Frequency: Daily

Users: Data established in this process is used by Accounting users on a regular basis. This will impact enterprise accounting which will affect a growing number of users as more use the accounting processes.

02097 Adding MAJCOM filter to Inquiry MU AvSE New

Change Request: Process Improvement


Description: Currently, the DPAS Maintenance & Utilization (M&U) module does not allow users to filter or sort inquiries by MAJCOM (Major Command). This limitation complicates the ability to quickly locate and analyze data specific to a particular MAJCOM, resulting in inefficiencies in reporting and decision-making processes. Users must manually sift through extensive datasets to isolate MAJCOM-specific information, which increases the risk of error and reduces productivity.

Recommended: Enhance the inquiry search functionality to include a dropdown menu or selection box for MAJCOM as a filter criterion. This would allow users to limit inquiry results to a specific MAJCOM.

Mission Critical: MAJCOM A4 leaders are not able to pull single, all-encompassing report for their respective MAJCOM maintenance activities at this time. They do not have access to PA, only the M&U module, so it is imperative that they are able to over high-level oversight of their AvSE fleet health.

Benefits: Reduces time spent searching and analyzing MAJCOM-specific data, Increases accuracy by eliminating manual data isolation errors, Streamlines reporting and decision-making with faster, targeted insights, Improves user experience by simplifying searches and enhancing system usability, Aligns with organizational goals for data-driven decisions and efficient resource management.

Frequency: Daily

Users: The inquiry process is used by 100s of users multiple times a day.  

02096 General Database Infrastructural Changes - CY 2025 Other Leidos New
Change Request: Process Improvement

Description: In many application releases, the Leidos team needs to implement various database infrastructural changes and improvements.  These changes include, but are not limited to, index adjustments, configuration changes, and the implementation of database utility objects.  These changes and capabilities can not be invoked directly through the application but are nonetheless necessary for the availability, correctness, and performance of the DPAS system.  I am requesting an SCR for calendar year 2025 to encompass this category of database changes.

Recommended: Implementation of any database infrastructural changes and improvements deemed necessary by the Leidos Team.

Mission Critical:

Benefits: These changes and capabilities can not be invoked directly through the application but are nonetheless necessary for the availability, integrity, and performance of the DPAS system.

Frequency: Daily

Users: N/A - Infrastructural enhancements that wouldn't directly affect the users.
02095 Modify when attachments can be added to a MRO Warehouse ASAALT New

Change Request: Process Improvement


Description: Currently we are unable to upload supporting documentation to a close MRO's only if the MRO has not been released or shipped. When processing an MRO in DPAS we must mark the MRO as shipped for the DLMS transaction to be pushed to G-Army. When the MRO is shipped the transaction is closed. However, at that time we may not have the signed receiving documentation such as DD1348, 1149, or DA3161 because the Property Book Office (PBO) is waiting to see the transaction show up in G-Army. Once the PBO can see and verify the transaction in G-Army they sign the receiving documentation. For auditability we should be able to upload this signed document into DPAS as supporting documentation for the MRO.

Recommended: All the option to upload documentation to any MRO record even it if is in a released, shipped/closed status.

Mission Critical: To improve MRO in supporting KSDs

Benefits: By allow the user the option to upload supporting documentation to the MRO transaction within DPAS even when the transaction is closed it will provide better accountability and auditability of government property.

Frequency: Weekly

Users: All user trying to maintain auditability for government property within DPAS.

02094 Add SKO Component List to Inventory Reports Warehouse NECC New
Change Request: Process Improvement

Description: When inventorying a SKO'd item, the only stock number that populates is that of the actual SKO, and not the components attached to the SKO.

Recommended: Add the ability to view the list of components attached to the SKO for all physical inventory reports.

Mission Critical: NECC 5200.45

Benefits: This will give the users who utilize SKO's visibility of what components they need to verify and inventory for. Makes it easier for the end user to inventory when the SKO stock nbr is different than the main component item.

Frequency: Daily

Users: NECC-wide
02093 Active/Reserve Component Add Warehouse NECC New
Change Request: Process Improvement

Description: There was a recent request to be able to distinguish between Active and Reserve individuals that are issued gear here at NECC.  Currently, there's no way that we're able to track who's Active or Reserve in any reporting tool and would like to add that capability within DPAS WH.

Recommended: This would have to start when the users are creating the Member Profiles, and allowing the user to select from a drop down whether the issued user is Active or Reserve. We noticed there is a field for Duty Status, however there's no way to be able to input that information. Once the gear has been issued, the user should be able to see this on the DW Issued Receipt form, in addition to all the Issued Inquiry reports where one can either filter this option or export it onto excel and filter as needed. This capability should be added to both the Individual Issue as well as the Unit Issue functions.

Mission Critical: NECCINST 5200.45

Benefits: Having this capability would provide the user with the ability to separate between Active and Reserve members and fully give them visibility when generating reports in DPAS WH.

Frequency: Daily

Users: All users who utilize the Individual/Unit Issue functions.
02092 Reason Code Field For Individual Return Warehouse NECC New
Change Request: Process Improvement

Description: We've received a request to create an additional (optional) field to the Individual Return process to allow them to specify a return reason/code to ALL issued items within an individual record that are being returned (i.e. transfer, separation, gear refresh, damaged gear, etc.). In result, it would give them the ability to view the return reason code when generating individual return reports.

Recommended: During the Individual Return Process, the user should be able to select an optional return reason/code drop-down box similar to a Not Ret. Reason Code that currently exists. Once the return is complete, they should be able to view the return reason/code in a return report as an optional column within Grid Options.

Mission Critical: NECCINST 5200.45

Benefits: Having this capability would provide the users with the ability to see the reason an item was returned, track reasons for return, and forecast future issues.

Frequency: Daily

Users: All users who utilize the Individual Issue function.
02091 Split inventory seg code inventories by facilities Warehouse ASAALT New
Change Request: Process Improvement

Description: Unable to split physical inventory by facility names when using the inventory segment code inventory mode.

Recommended: Provide the option to select or split a physical inventory by Facility name and /or location id when using the inventory segment code as the inventory mode.

Mission Critical: Army Regulation 740–26 - Physical Inventory Control
Army Regulation 735–5 - Property Accountability Policies
Improves the conducting of a PI when materiel is located in different facilities.

Benefits: When using multiple facilities, location id and multiple owning DoDAACs within a warehouse the inventory teams could conduct an inventory more efficiently if the physically inventories that are based on the inventory segment code could be split between each selected facility and location id.  Currently this type of feature is not available when using the inventory segment code as the inventory mode therefore some of our physical inventory that are generally are very large due to the fact the report is being ran across multiple facilities for one owning DoDAAC. This can lead to an increase in inventory time since the report cannot be split by facility.
If the inventory is split by facility one physical inventory can be generated for one inventory segment code and a single owning DoDAAC. The report would be split by facility and provide to each facility manger. Therefore, the inventory team(s) can conduct the inventories in a timelier manner.
Frequency: This will be used monthly and in some cases weekly.

Users:  All users who use physical inventory
02090 Add Facility Name to PI report and PI downloads Warehouse ASAALT New
Change Request: Process Improvement

Description: Currently the physical inventory report and the inventory export file within the DPAS Warehouse module do not show the facility name in which the asset is currently located. If a single warehouse has more than one facility name, it can become hard to know which facility to look in when conducting an inventory.

Recommended: Add the facility name to each line item on the physical inventory report and the inventory export file.

Mission Critical: Provides visibility where the item is located.

Benefits: By adding the facility name to the inventory report and the inventory export file the user will know exactly which facility the asset is in when conducting the inventory. This will save time by not having to revisit DPAS to determine the facility name in which the asset is located.
Frequency: Daily

Users: All users using the physical inventory reports to conduct a physical inventory.
02089 Add Inventory Segment Code to Inventory and ICN inquiries Warehouse ASAALT New
Change Request: Process Improvement

Description: Currently the stock number inventory segment code is not available on the inventory grids or the ICN reports.  This makes it difficult for the user to view when the item will be scheduled for a physical inventory.  Our warehouses are connected to an ICP, thus the catalog is managed by the ICP.  It is not known how the ICP is establishing segment codes.

Recommended: Add the inventory segment code value as a grid option on the inventory grids and the ICN inventory reports.  This will provide the WM users with visibility of what inventory the item is a part of without executing multiple reports and merging of data.

Mission Critical: Provides visibility of which inventory the item will be a part of without having to run multiple queries and mergeing of the data.

Benefits: Having the Inventory Segment Code as a grid option would allow better management of materials within the warehouse.

Frequency: Daily

Users: All DPAS users of WM
02088 Add Negative Report to Reconciliation Reports Warehouse NSWC New
Change Request: Process Improvement

Description: DODIG/IPA Audit FY23 resulted in a Notice of Findings and Recommendations to NSW due to not being able to submit negative inventories to prove active warehouses that did not contain assets during required inventory periodicities.  

Recommended: Add the statement "Negative Report" to show the Warehouse Physical Inventory Reconciliation Report Detail and Warehouse Physical Inventory Reconciliation Report Summary when a physical inventory is conducted on a Warehouse does not have inventory in the Warehouse.

Mission Critical:

Benefits: DODIG/IPA Audit requirement to create and retain negative report inventory.

Frequency: Monthly

Users: All Users
02087 Add Purpose Code to ICP and Warehouse Warehouse,Materiel Management Leidos New
Change Request: Policy/Regulatory

Description: DPAS does not currently support segregating materiel in its ICP or Warehouse applications by Purpose Code. DPAS was designed to use Owning DoDAAC and Project Code to support the USMC CSP and Storage Command operations. At that time, USMC stated they did not use Purpose Code. Post the initial implementation, USMC requested Purpose Code. To support the immediate need, USMC requested with DPAS agreeing to open / use the Secondary Serial Nbr to identify the purpose. This capability does not allow for systematically segregation / selection of assets by purpose code, thus DPAS needs to add Purpose Code to its ICP and Warehouse applications to bring the system into compliance with DoDM 4140.

Recommended: The recommended solution is to add a Purpose Code field to the DPAS ICP and Warehouse application and to update the DLMS traffic to support it. This change may necessitate changes to the inventory row business key, user processes, inquiries, reports, and interfaces. The change that are implement should ensure that DPAS aligns to DoD regulations, including the restriction against using alpha Purpose Code O. DLMS transactions will be updated to include Purpose Code. With purpose codes being agency specific, DPAS will need to provide the capability for different codes / descriptions / agency.

Benefits: Adding Purpose Code functionality will improve inventory management by allowing better categorization of assets. It will enhance regulatory compliance, improve reporting accuracy, and provide operational clarity by reducing ambiguities in inventory records. This change also positions DPAS for future scalability and system enhancements.

Frequency: Daily

Users: All DPAS users. Approximately 27,000 users.
02086 Catalog Data Script Reduction PA,MU,Warehouse,Materiel Management,FSM Leidos New
Change Request: Process Improvement

Description: The DPAS Support team is spending a disproportionate time executing user requested catalog data updates due to DPAS not providing system functionality needed to enable the DPAS user to modify catalog attributes. These attributes often times have a financial impact when capital assets are being updated. The goal of this SCR is to enable users to perform the updates as needed with DPAS supporting the financial updates that are needed.

Recommended: Review the business processes and determine when and where fields can be enabled for edit/change by the user(s), where obsolete data can be removed to avoid confusion and other opportunities to improve catalog data integrity instead of submitting help desk tickets or data script requests.

Mission Critical:
 This SCR will incorporate additional user functionality within the catalog processes. The goal is to reduce customer support while providing the user with a more unified experience.

Benefits: By enhancing the catalog in which users can manage their own stock nbr data, we will save time, improve accuracy and reduce data script requests.

Frequency: Daily

Users: All users who maintain catalog data.
02085 Historic Inventory Level Repository Warehouse USMC New
Change Request: New System Process

Description: Currently, the system does not provide the ability to check the On-Hand Inventory status for previous dates. This is due to DPAS being a live system, where assets are constantly moving. As a result, researching inventory history, whether for routine inventory processes or resolving discrepancies, becomes impossible. To address this challenge, I propose the introduction of a Date Field to the Inquiry Screens for LIN/TAMCN, Stock Number, and ICN. This would allow users to pull inventory data for a specific location and view its status (e.g., quantity on hand) on any given date. Alternatively, another solution could be the implementation of a historical repository to capture and store inventory status at different points in time. This would provide a reliable way to track and query the inventory history as needed. The proposed enhancement will improve Users from ALL Agencies using DPAS ability to manage inventory discrepancies, streamline reporting processes, and ensure more accurate inventory auditing.

Recommended: Recommendation 1: Add a Date Field to the Inquiry Screens Introduce a Date Field to the Inquiry Screens for LIN/TAMCN, Stock Number, and ICN. This enhancement would allow users to select a specific date and view inventory data as it appeared on that day, including the status of assets, quantities, and other relevant details. By enabling this functionality, it would be possible to track historical inventory movements, improving visibility and accountability. OR Recommendation 2: Implement a Historical Repository Develop a new historical repository that stores and tracks inventory data at specific points in time. This repository would allow users to pull detailed reports for previous dates to verify status information such as asset counts, quantities, contract IDs, and other key inventory details. By providing access to this historical data, it would become easier to resolve discrepancies and perform inventory audits efficiently. Both options aim to enhance inventory tracking and reporting capabilities, addressing the challenges of monitoring inventory history in a live system.

Mission Critical: This process improvement will help immensely in the researching of discrepancies and researching for inventory accuracy.

Benefits: This will help ALL agencies operating in DPAS as a whole to better manage and verify inventory accuracy and research any possible discrepancies.


Users: Users across all agencies operating in DPAS.
02084 Received Date Additions Warehouse NSWC New
Change Request: Process Improvement

The field "Receive Dt" is required on the Materiel Mgmt-->Receiving but we cannot view this field on  asset inquiry. Received date is an audit requirement for General Equipment Assets.
Add a "Receive Dt"  column in the Inventory Update Manager, ICN Inventory, and Inventory Activity.  Add the ability to edit the "Receive Dt" field in the Inventory Update Manager.
Mission Critical:
DOD requirement.
Frequency: Hourly
All Users
02083 In Service Date Changes Warehouse NSWC New
Change Request: Process Improvement

DoD Components are required to record and maintain data element "Date Placed in Service"  in their respective APSRs as stated in DoDI 5000.64 and the USSOCOM Directive 700-2.
Add a "Date Placed in Service" required field during the receiving process.  Add a "Date Placed in Service"  column in the Inventory Update Manager, ICN Inventory, and Inventory Activity.  Add the ability to edit the "Date Placed in Service" field in the Inventory Update Manager.
Mission Critical:
DOD requirement.
Frequency: Hourly

All Users

02082 FSM to Warehouse Interface Warehouse,FSM AF: A4/HAF FH-AFHAF New
Change Request: New System Process

Currently the Force System Management Module only interfaces with the Property accountability module which is used to determine the DAF authorizations to build requirements. However, we require the capability to establish requirements for items that do not fall into the Class VII category and in some cases consumable materiel.
Establish the capability to create FSM authorizations for assets managed in the Warehouse module.
Mission Critical:
IAW AFI 23-101 The DAF is required to maintain Class II and Class IX materiel to support the wing's deployment requirements and report readiness capabilities. Establishing authorizations for materiel provides the DAF the capability to ensure the posture of materiel is appropriately aligned to and determine overages and shortfalls for future procurements or reposturing.  
This would provide Senior leadership visibility of all DAF stockage/storage requirements and current posture to make strategic level decision.
Frequency: Daily
This requirement would be utilized at 224 bases to support enterprise requirements
02081 Custom Issued Inventory Warehouse USMC New
Change Request: Process Improvement

According to SOCOM Directive 700-2 we are to conduct monthly inventory of All controlled, classified or sensitive Controlled Inventory Item Code (CIIC) items with codes 1-6, 8-9, P, Q, R, S, Y (including all Night Vision Devices and Navigational Devices) regardless of cost will be inventoried on a monthly basis.
Add additional selection parameters to the Issued Inventory under the Details section with the ability to select multiple Stock Numbers, CIIC codes, and Commodity types.  Enable the user to save selected stock numbers, CIIC codes, and commodity types with the ability to name the saved selection.  Enable the user to edit and delete saved selections.  Enable the user to select a previously saved selection which will auto-populate Stock Number, CIIC , and Commodity Types.  Add a Select All UIC's under Select UIC to print all (multiple) issued inventory.  The Stock Number, CIIC , and Commodity Type selection is default to all.
Mission Critical:
SOCOM requirement.
Frequency: Hourly
All Users
02080 Master Issue List for Individual Returns Warehouse USMC New
Change Request: Process Improvement

The current problem is we have some members in DPAS that have multiple issues from different warehouses/locations.  We need to be able to differential between the issues so we are able to return equipment to the proper warehouse/location,  Proposed solution would be to have a way to designate the exact items from a particular warehouse/location. Possible Fix would be to add the Master Issue List(MIL) option on the individual return so you are able to pull the exact items the individual was issued from a particular warehouse/location.
Recommendation is to add a MIL option on the individual return so you are able to pull the exact items the individual was issued from a particular warehouse/location.  Inserting the MIL, would allow the CSR to pull up the desired gear list to return.
Mission Critical:
Yes, because the Consolidated Storage Program (CSP) goal is to have an accurate inventory and with this functionality the customer service representatives (CSRs) will be able to conduct returns into the system with more truthful data.  
Having this capability will help all warehouses improve on inventory accuracy across the enterprise.  
Frequency: Daily

All IIF Facilities